Sunday, September 30, 2012

Oliver Turns Two (9/30)

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Monday, May 21, 2012

When in a Storm, Don't Forget to Get Wet

A storm originates when a low pressure system is surrounded by a high pressure system. Small areas of low pressure can form from hot air rising off hot ground. Hot air will rise, and when the hot air collides with cold air, the hot air is forced up over the colder, drier air.

Now - when the warmer air is displaced upwards, it causes surface air pressure to drop, which creates a vacuum effect where the two air masses meet. Cold air then rushes in to fill the area of lower air pressure, and this in turn forces more warm air upwards. This starts a cycle of cold air rushing in, pushing the warm air upwards. It is this very turbulence that causes the storm. (Source:

Please take the following as an observation not a judgment. This is not personal or targeted to anyone in particular! What I describe below has caused me to write my blog after being radio silent for over three months. Mainly, my motive is to avoid the assumption that Christians or "people of faith" are always in a storm, and it is so NOT true.
I listen to Christian radio and am on Facebook quite a bit, and hear and see a number of people asking for prayer because they are “in a storm” – medical, financial, emotional, spiritual, marital / relationship, job-related and others.

However, the sheer number people who say they are in a storm on the radio or post it on Facebook - sometimes over and over again – has caused me to wonder if they’ve allowed themselves to get wet during the storm - meaning did they learn from the storm what God intended them to get out of the storm?

To be completely honest and transparent, I sometimes wonder if the posts and requests for prayer are for the right motive(s) –do they really want prayer and fellowship or are they looking for attention, sympathy or something other than what God intended. God knows our intentions, and it’s not my place to judge whether they are right or not, but I often find it hard to believe that there are some who are always in a storm. At some point, the sun DOES come out. Yes?!? And if the sun does come out, why isn't the sun shared as quickly as the storm…if at all.

Let me be clear…
Is it my intention to put a cease fire on these requests or posts? Absolutely not! We were not put on this Earth to live or survive alone. We need each other…to pray, to fellowship, and to care about and for. I commit, and hope you do too, to pray about my motive for the request and the words to post prior to ever hitting the keyboard.


Now, back to our regularly scheduled blog!

Are you in a storm? If you are, then what?

When I feel the tendency to identify something in my life as a storm, I ask myself the following questions:

1)  Am I really in a storm? There are varying types of weather conditions, and not all constitute a storm.  I ask myself, is this really a storm or is this just a storm watch or passing shower? What’s the difference? If I can prevent a full blown storm from happening, it’s a storm watch. I have realized that by treating a warning as a storm, it has actually caused a true storm.

Hmm? What warnings have you mistaken for a storm? What happened when you reacted to the warning as a storm?

2)  Why am I in this storm? Storms happen for a reason. Referring back to the cause of a natural storm above, there are parallels between our personal storms.
·    Consequences of our sinful nature. When there is a difference in pressure between the choices I make and the choice God wants me to make, a vacuum is created. When a vacuum is created, our tendency is to fill it. What we decide to fill that vacuum with will often cause our storm, e.g. drugs, alcohol, fear, doubt, pride, sex, unhealthy relationships, anger, seeking approval or attention, <fill-in-your-blank>, etc.  

Hmm? What do you use to fill the vacuum? Why?

·    God wants to do work in my life that He cannot do in any other way. Prior to a storm, there are warnings that a storm is brewing…clouds roll in, sky gets gray, winds pick up. Until the evidence of a storm appears, I often continue as if there is no impending storm. But when the first drops of rain start falling, I take cover. God gives us plenty of warning that a storm is coming through various nudges. Many times, we ignore these nudges. When God needs your/my attention because you/I have failed to heed the warnings, he creates the storm that will allow us to accomplish what He needs to accomplish through us.  Sometimes it’s just He is using our circumstance as a stepping-stone for a greater plan.

Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (NIV).

3)  What do I need to do in the storm? Worst thing you can do is nothing.
·    Know God is present in the storm. During storms, it’s easy to feel God is not there. Know that He is present in every storm. “During a test, a teacher is always silent.”
·    Turn to God and seek His will. Eliminate the vacuum by surrendering your way to God’s way through prayer, reading His word and reflection. Often if there is no difference in pressure, there’s no storm.
·    Praise Him through the storm. Why? God is changing me through this experience to complete His purpose for my life. The change is always for the better, if I choose to see the good in it.

James 1:2-4, “Count it all joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (NIV)

4)  When will this storm pass? Storms do end. Really, they do! But when?
·    It depends on God. He is always in control. I have to choose to accept and trust God’s decision to either supernaturally deliver me from the storm or give me the grace to walk through the storm…one step at a time.
·    And, it depends on me. If God keeps me in the storm, I still have something to learn. Patience and complete dependence on God does not happen overnight. If that is what the storm is supposed to teach, it will take time.
5)  What do I do after the storm?
·    I don’t focus on the storm. If I focus on the storm, I miss the joy that often comes from it.
·    I praise and thank God for bringing me through the storm first, and then teaching me what I needed to get out of it.
·    I spend time reflecting on 1) why I was in the storm, 2) how long I was in the storm...why so long or short, 3) what God revealed to me through the storm, and 4) how I will live differently as a result of the storm.
·    I share my testimony to glorify and magnify GOD, not to increase myself. This is where I really check my motives. Am I sharing my testimony because I want people to acknowledge me or see God’s greatness? If I recognize I am sharing for attention instead praising God…wrong reason.

Storms are not always bad. After a drought, a storm is very welcomed!

Father, I thank you for all the storms I have had in my life, and all those to come.  Sometimes I am very well aware of the reason, e.g. my action or inaction. And in other cases, I may not know your reason. But I do know that with each storm, you are transforming me. Please don’t stop creating me. I know you will never give me anything more than I can handle. Place the people I need in my life to help weather each storm. Search my heart Lord, and allow my motives to be pure when sharing my storm.  And Lord, after the storm, let me distill the lesson(s) you need me to take from it. Allow my faith in you to increase with the passing of each storm. Ensure that my thoughts, actions, words and heart give YOU the glory, always. Holy Spirit, convict me when they do not.  Thank you for loving me! In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

One Moment in Time

"Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will be
I will be
I will be free."  

The news of Whitney Houston's death on Saturday flooded me with a range of emotions as I'm sure it did you.  Having friends and family who have battled, are battling and have lost their battle with addiction, Whitney's death hit really close to home.

Gratefulness. I am grateful that God allowed her to share her angelic voice and talent He gave her. Truly there has never been any one like her. I also felt selfishly grateful - grateful that I never received the call of a fight not won. For half of her life, my sister battled with her addiction. So much time lost, so many relationships compromised, so much of herself masked by this enemy's trap. It is truly by the grace of God she is delivered from her addiction. She will be sober and clean for five years. I am so incredibly proud of her. I saw her struggle first-hand and felt completely helpless. All I was able to do was pray for God's intervention. Whitney's death reminded me of how grateful I am for my sister's life.

Anger. At drug lords and drug dealers who to me are the devil incarnate. So much pain has been caused by drugs for those who take them and those they impact around them. Mostly I am mad at Whitney for underestimating the power of addiction and taking the first hit. For throwing her God-given talent away and not using it for good and God's glory. At the fact that we never got to see her comeback. I really wanted her to comeback! I wanted to believe that someone who grew up in the church and knew God was able to fight this and be a victor. I know that there are things we will never know about God's ways. I know that they are not our ways. I just really was hoping for a different ending and am trusting that through her very public life, someone is saved. God, I know you have your reasons and trust You.

Sadness. I was really praying for her to pull through. I remember watching her on Oprah a few years ago and just praying that she was able to channel God's strength (the strength she knew when she was singing gospel in the church choir as a teen) to conquer the yearning, the desire, the sheer temptation. Sadness for her daughter, her family and her friends who will no longer see her.  The journey to freedom from addiction is a long, arduous one - sometimes filled with U-turns instead of do-not-enter signs.

Relief. I feel an incredible sense of relief for Whitney. Relieved that she is no longer a slave to her addiction or the things of this world. Relieved she is with God now and blessing the heavenly choirs with her angelic voice.

In the end it is her life, her music, her voice, her beauty that I will celebrate and remember - not her death.  May you rest in peace Whitney...we'll see you one day for your earthly life was just "One Moment in Time" and you are free.

Dear Lord, I lift up Whitney's family and friends. Grant them peace and comfort. I lift up all those who struggle with addiction Lord. In Jesus' name I pray for the release of the bondage and stronghold the enemy has on them. I pray that they seek you more than the drug they chase. Lord so many of our brothers and sisters let the weight of this world drive them away from you when they should be running towards you. Lord remind me to always run toward you. Let me not take the talents you have given me for granted. Use them and me for your purpose. Lord, finally I pray that we see the good that you want to come out of this situation. In Jesus' holy name I pray. Amen.

Monday, February 6, 2012

7 Reasons Why Your Prayers Haven't Been Answered...Yet!

I used to share the story below with leaders attending my programs to inspire action. I decided to share this with you because I feel it simply portrays, and in some ways, parallels my prayer life, and perhaps yours as well. 

Hope faced some struggles during the year and desperately needed a financial miracle in her life. She got down on her knees and prayed, "God, I really need a miracle. Please let me win the $216 million dollar Powerball jackpot tonight. If I win, I promise I will do anything you ask of me. Amen." Later that night the Powerball numbers came out, and nothing.
The following week the jackpot crept up to $311 million. Hope got back down on her knees and prayed, "God, maybe you didn't think last week was a good time for a miracle, but I am hoping you can make me a winner this week. Again, if I win I will do anything you ask of me. Amen." You guessed it, the Powerball numbers came out, and not even ONE number. Really?!? Yes, really, not one.
The jackpot continued to rise and was up to $402 million. So for the third week, Hope pleaded, "God, I really need a miracle. Please I beg you! Please, please let me win the Powerball jackpot tonight. I promise I will do anything you...."
Before she could even finish she heard God call her name. 
Shocked, she replied, "Yes Lord?" 
"My child Hope, I heard you the first two times. You need to buy a ticket first!"
Are you laughing (or at least smiling)? I always got a few chuckles from the audience when I said the last line. It's funny at the surface, but when I really analyzed it, it's very telling.    

How many times have you been Hope - someone who desperately needed a miracle? Maybe you need one now. I've been her a couple of times. I intentionally chose Hope as her name because in the story, that was all she had, hope...hope that God would perform a miracle. You need more than hope. How many times have you prayed about something and not received an answer? If you are like me, you can't even remember all of them. Yes? 

Based on the moral of this parable along with my experience, below are reasons why it seems your prayers are not being answered:
  1. Oh ye of little faith. God does great things according to the amount of faith you have in Him. If you have little faith, God will do small miracles. As your faith grows, so will His miracles. The measure of your miracle is dependent on the the amount of faith you have in God. How much faith do you have in God in relation to what you are asking of Him? Don't ask for more than you have.
  2. Let's make a deal, Lord. "If you do this for me God, I promise I will do that." God is not a conditional God. He does what He does for you out of pure unconditional love. I'm not saying not to make promises (or not to keep them), but doing so is not going to influence God one way or another. When He chooses to answer your prayer, it is because of who He is not because of anything you have done or will do.  Are you waiting for (or challenging) God to give you a miracle before you do something you should already be doing? Do it anyway. It might just be the missing piece. 
  3. But I want it now. God's timing is not my (or your) timing. You may need a miracle now, but God may not feel now is the time. Sometimes He gives us time to makes sure what we are asking Him for is indeed what we want or what He wants for us. See God has the big picture. He sees all things and how they interconnect. In this day and age of microwave mentality, we want things NOW. Why wait? God doesn't operate like that. He's working things out for you - things you don't even know about. Those things take time. He hasn't forgotten about you. When everything has been worked out - then God's timing is revealed. Is there something you've prayed for that you think God has forgotten to answer? He hasn't.
  4. I'll do it myself. Be patient. Why is God taking so long? Sometimes I get restless and impatient. So I take things into my own hands instead of accepting God's timing and letting Him work things out. That causes even more of a delay. It's like being stuck in traffic and deciding to take a detour to get to your destination quicker, but it sets you even more behind schedule. Be patient and who knows, the traffic might just lighten up over the hill if you stay on course. Are you tempted to do it yourself and speed things along because you can't wait anymore? Don't do it. Wait for God's answer.
  5. All on you God. Do your best and God does the rest. You have got to DO (or stop doing) something first. Just praying about it isn't enough. God doesn't just make things happen without asking you to take some action or the first step. Would God have allowed Hope to win Powerball if she bought a ticket? Maybe or maybe not. However, she needed to buy the ticket FIRST to find out. What are you praying for that requires you to take action? Take it.
  6. I can't ask God to do that.  Ask boldly and be specific. The only limits God has are the ones WE place on Him because He is limitless. Are you asking God to just get you through a specific situation or are you boldly asking Him to breakthrough your current situation? Are you asking Him to meet a specific need for yourself or are you boldly asking Him to meet your needs so you have more than enough to meet the needs of others? What limits are you placing on God? Go and release those limits. 
  7. I'll ask, but doubt he'll answer.  Expect your prayers to be answered. If you pray with hope, faith, and patience without expectation, it's like baiting a hook, throwing a line and waiting for a bite in a pond with no fish. It's all for nothing. Expect that God will always answer your prayer, because He will. It may not be the answer you want, but an answer nonetheless. I can think of many men that I wanted to date and prayed for God to draw them near me. I think there is a country song called, "Thank you for unanswered prayers." Enough said! When you pray are you expecting an answer - even if it's not the answer you are looking for? Always expect an answer - whether you agree with it or not because you will get one.

"Lord, I come before you, united with each person who prays this prayer with me, and boldly ask for your favor and hand in my life and theirs. You said, ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find. Lord, I ask you to place the words in my mouth to ask for all you want me to receive and the desire in my heart to seek all you want me to find. Light my path Lord so I can clearly see the steps I need to take to draw closer to you. Reveal the obstacles I need to remove so you can finish the good work you've started in me and on my behalf. Bless and prosper me so I can be a blessing to others. Use me Lord for the glory of your name and kingdom. In Your precious and Holy name I boldly pray! Amen."

Monday, January 30, 2012

Be a fountain, not a drain.

Last spring, I drove by a church sign that read, "Be a fountain, not a drain." Besides thinking it was a cool quote, and sharing it with my friends, the Fountain family (for obvious reasons), I didn't give it much thought.

However, lately it keeps randomly popping into my mind - so much so that I can't ignore it anymore and it has moved me to thinking about what it means to me and more importantly discover why it's relevant.

Psst? Is there something that keeps popping in your mind... song, a phrase, a picture, whatever? When things keep "randomly" popping into my mind (or yours), there is nothing random about it. It's God trying to tell me (you, us) something. If I (we) don't get it the first, second, tenth time...he keeps nudging. 
View from my window at my new home.

When I think about His nudge this time, I literally have to laugh out loud - I see a fountain everyday...several times in fact! The place that we moved into from RI overlooks the pool. The pool has a fountain. Do you know how many times I look out my window a day? And get this, not only do I see it, I hear it too. Now tell me God is not trying to get my attention.

Sometimes I (we) can be blind or deaf to the message God is trying to send us. 

OK, now He has my attention. Here's where it gets interesting...

So, I start with the definition and select key words.
  • Fountain - source, natural, reservoir, stream, origin
  • Drain - loss, depletion, to fatigue, become empty
It was clear that all of the words associated with "fountain" are positive, while those associated with "drain" are not - NO big revelation there for me. The revelation didn't come in the two words I focused on, but in the one word I didn't "BE".

Last year was full of transitions for my family and me - some great ones and some not-so-great. There was so much spiraling around me that I started to spiral down right along with it. It was draining on me (physically, emotionally and spiritually) and consequently draining on those around me. I chose, consciously or not, to be a drain.

It's wild to think God took me from there and plopped right smack in a place overlooking a fountain. AWESOME reminder!

BE a fountain, not a drain. 
It's a choice!

A choice to:
  • BE positive not negative
  • BE a giver not a taker
  • BE a creator not a destroyer
  • BE hopeful not hopeless
  • BE love not hate
  • BE grateful not thankless
  • BE selfless not selfish
  • BE a light not a shadow
  • BE a beginning not an ending

Fountain. Drain. Which one will you choose to be? 
"Lord, today I thank you for being the ultimate fountain. Help me to recognize when I am being a drain to myself and those around me. Unclog all the physical, emotional and spiritual drains in my life to flow like fountains. Help me to be an extension of your constant, loving stream. Today Lord, let me be a fountain, not a drain. In your precious name I pray. Amen!"

Friday, January 20, 2012

Running to Your Arms

Oliver, my 16-month old son, is the greatest blessing I have and have ever had in my life! He is at such a fun age. I love it when he runs into my open arms with so much joy, trust and excitement...laughing all the way! When he reaches me he hugs my neck and with his chubby little hands plays with my hair as if he's tickling me. Hard to capture the essence of this intense feeling of love and joy through mere words. But those of you who are parents know exactly what I am talking about...even if it's been a while.

Years Earlier.
My husband and I had many conversations about whether or not to have children. Ultimately, WE decided  that we were fine with it being just the two of us. Many of my friends (you know who you are) questioned the decision. They thought I'd make a great mom and didn't want me to miss out on the joys of motherhood. My argument was that I was a Mom to my niece and nephew...even had my nephew live with us for a while. Still they'd say, it's not the same as having your own child. Yeah, yeah...I'm fine.

For Christmas in 2009, we spent two weeks with Santos' family in Cape Verde (Africa). It was one of my favorite vacations of all times, mostly because I was able to meet Santos' family and see my husband in his element. It was also a high point in our marriage for many reasons. In essence, I fell deeper in love with my husband during that trip and was more convinced than ever that we had made the right decision to not have children. However, the topic of children came up several times from Santos' family, especially his mom. She told Santos that we had to have a child - not for him but for me. She felt VERY passionate about it! She even sat me down, and yup you guessed it - I still wasn't convinced.  So after two family-filled weeks, lots of food, laughter and rest, I headed home alone. Santos stayed a few weeks longer.

Shortly upon my return, I headed to New York for a team meeting. And even there, the topic of children came up, most likely because one of our team members was expecting a child. Same need to experience being a mom, etc. Nope, Santos and I are fine I kept saying.

Between the trip home and the team meeting, I was exhausted and felt like I had the flu. I made an appointment with the doctor. And when I expected to hear, yes you have H1N1, I heard "your pregnancy test came back positive." The rest, as they say, is history.

My pregnancy was amazing. I was so connected to God...I mean how else would this amazing miracle be growing inside of me. And when I finally saw Oliver, it was further confirmation that an amazing and loving God exists.

Looking back.
I have to laugh at the fact WE thought we had any control over this decision. Little did we know God had a plan, a much greater and more wonderful plan for our lives...and boy are we happy He did.

In my continuous search for God's purpose in my life, clearly being a Mom is one. What's interesting is that through this blessing, I have gained a different perspective of God, specifically God the Father. Was a change in my perspective part of His plan? ABSOLUTELY!!! How else was I going to get this insight into a parent's love without being one.

The joy, love, care, protection and discipline that I give my son is nothing compared to what God wants to provide me..and you. Yes, you are today!

He is waiting for you, His child, to run into His open arms with the same joy, trust and excitement that your child runs (or ran) into yours...laughing all the way! Nothing compares to His embrace, I can 110% assure you! Don't's a peace that surpasses logic and understanding. Run, run into His arms.

May God continue to abundantly bless you and use you to spread the love He gives to us unto others!

Lovin' my Christian music these days. I will share some of my favorites with you soon. In the meantime, click here or the play button below to watch "Forever Reign" by Hillsong United, a song that so beautifully captures the heart of this message.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. today, let us not forget all he stood for, all he did and all he said. I never get tired of hearing / reading his message of love, hope, peace and action.

“Like anybody, I would like to have a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will.”

“Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase.”

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

“The time is always right to do the right thing."

“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”

“Whenever men and women straighten their backs up, they are going somewhere, because a man can't ride your back unless it is bent."

“Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.”

“Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.”

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Great Way to Start YOUR Day...

This is a continuation of A Great Way to Start My Day. If you haven't read it, scroll down a post.

Below are a few the resources I refer to for my daily spiritual growth. There are many, many others, but I have found these to be straight-forward, positive, encouraging, motivating and easy to apply to my life today.  Commit to checking them out this week!
  • Proverbs 31 MinistriesThis is a women's ministry. They are real women offering real-life solutions to women who are striving to maintain life’s balance, in spite of today’s hectic pace and cultural pull away from godly principles. Wherever a woman may be on her spiritual journey, Proverbs 31 Ministries exists to be a trusted friend who takes her by the hand and walks by her side, leading her one step closer to the heart of God. Click on the link below to:
  • Joyce Meyer Ministries - Joyce Meyer is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. A New York Times bestselling author, her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. Through Joyce Meyer Ministries, she teaches on hundreds of subjects and has authored over 80 books, which have been translated into over 80 different languages. More than 12 million of her books have been distributed around the world, and in 2007 more than 3.2 million copies were sold. Having suffered sexual abuse as a child and the pain of an emotionally abusive first marriage, Joyce discovered the freedom to live victoriously by applying God's Word to her life and in turn desires to help others do the same. From her battle with breast cancer to the struggles of everyday life, she speaks openly and practically about her experiences so others can apply what she has learned to their lives. Click on the link below to: 
  • Joel Osteen Ministries - Joel Osteen is a native Texan and the Pastor of Lakewood Church, which according to Church Growth Today is America's largest and fastest growing church. Each week Joel delivers God's message of hope and encouragement to more than 38,000 attendees. According to Nielsen Media Research, Joel is the most watched inspirational figure in America. His weekly sermon is broadcast into every U.S. television market where it is viewed by seven million Americans each week and more than 20 million each month. His weekly broadcast is also seen in almost 100 nations around the world. Click on the link below to: 
    Be blessed!
    Help me add to the list by commenting on your favorite online resource!

    Friday, January 13, 2012

    A Great Way to Start MY Day...

    For years I got up, showered, got dressed, and went to work. Maybe God would pop into my mind on my way to work, and more times than I'd like to admit, I would go the day without thinking of God at all. That was then...

    Now I get up and the first thing I do is focus on God...whether it's thanking Him for waking me up, listening to Christian music, reading a devotion or Bible reading plan or just sitting still in prayer.

    This did not happen overnight. Like any life style change, it took a while to turn this discipline from something I had to consciously work at into something that now happens almost naturally. It wasn't until I WANTED to learn more about God (vs. feeling like I HAD to or SHOULD) that I was motivated to do something. 

    Besides getting motivated, the hardest thing for me to do is figure out where to start. Luckily my roommate in college, Jennifer, gave me a Bible for Christmas while we were in college. I was so grateful, but reading the Bible felt overwhelming. When I FINALLY decided I'd give it a try. I remember starting with a free daily devotion called "Daily Bread" that referred me to a couple of verses in the Bible...bite-sized lessons that kick-started my day. Funny, on days that I read the devotions, things seemed to run smoothly...and on those that didn't, well, not-so-much.

    I worked my way up to reading Bible books - anyone of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). And when all else failed I would read Proverbs. There are 31 books in Proverbs and I would refer to the date and read the corresponding book, e.g. on March 11, I would read Proverbs 11; on March 12, I'd read Proverbs 12, etc. When in doubt, I always started there. It was my way of reading parts of the Bible. The more I read, the more applicable it was to my life, and sometimes too applicable, if you know what I'm sayin'! Psalms was also a great book to read when I had no idea where to go. I would just open to any of the Psalms and just read. 

    Sometimes I am searching for an answer in my life, and I'll flip though the Bible and am drawn to a particular verse and BAM...answer. That has happened a lot...and sometimes it's not exactly the answer I want but it is the answer I need.

    So try it...see what happens. No one will be able to experience it for you. You need to start somewhere. Why not give it a try over the next week
    • Get a Bible. Hardcopy, I personally like the Life Application Study Bible. Study bibles are great because they add context to what you are reading. You can also get a FREE Bible online. I love the YouVersion Bible. It provides all kinds of reading plans and topical devotions. It also has an app for all smart phones. Totally cool. There is also Bible Gateway. 
    • Read it. Seems obvious right. Know how long it took me to open the Bible my roommate gave me. It took a while...just because it was overwhelming at first. Do as I did and start with reading a daily devotion and the associated verses. In a separate post, I will provide you with a couple of my favorite online devotions you can read or subscribe to.
    • Set a goal. Once you start feeling comfortable, set a goal. The YouVersion online Bible has a number of reading plans you can select from. Click here to check them out.
    • Reflect on what you read. Reading without reflection is a waste of time. Let what you read sink in and reflect on what it means to you and your life. 
    • Apply it. Reflection without application is a missed opportunity to allow God to work in you and your life.

    Look for my next post with some of my favorite online devotions. 

    Wednesday, January 4, 2012

    6 Steps to Increase Your Faith

    This is a continuation of Sushi and Faith. If you haven't read it, scroll down a post.

    Being a learning professional, I couldn't leave you hanging without giving you tips on how to increase your faith in God based on what I have personally done.

    Ever try doing something for someone who has no faith in you? Not exactly a great motivator is it? How can you expect God to reveal His purpose and plan for your life if you don't have faith in Him.

    Thankfully God doesn't work like that. However, He does expect you to take the first step.

    "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
    the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

    So where do you begin - or start - increasing your faith?
    1. ReflectWhere are you with you faith? Are you still finding it hard to swallow? Thinking about giving it a second try? Had it but gave up on it?  Have it and won't let go?  Once you determine where you are, try to uncover why you are where you are in order to move forward. I found it hard to keep my faith because I kept getting disappointed by people, circumstances and this broken world. My faith did not lie in God, but in everything but Him. I now place my faith in God solely. 
    2. Try it. No matter where you are, just try it. You need to start somewhere and some time. Start small, e.g. have faith that today will be a good day, that God will bless you with someone you come in contact with today, that you are able to be a blessing to someone...anything. If you are going through a trial, ask God to help you find peace and a resolution according to His will AND have faith that it is done. Sometimes it's easier to have faith on behalf of someone else's need. Keep your family and friends in prayer. At the very least, have faith that your faith will increase over time and not waver. Remember faith is a muscle that needs exercising to get stronger and stronger.
    3. Do not allow your faith to be shaken. There are so many things that can cause us to lose our faith. Keep your eye on God and pray to keep it despite these things. Your faith is the first place that the enemy attacks...but only if you let him. The stronger your faith is, the less likely the enemy's attack will penetrate it. 
    4. Be still and wait. This is the hardest part for me and I'm sure for many of you. God doesn't have a timetable. Society has a microwave mentality...they want things done quickly. As my husband always tells me, He allows things to happen when they are meant to happen and not one second sooner or later. God's time is not our time. Be patient. Be still. Have you ever made a promise and before you have even had a chance to make good on that promise, you are being asked about it again and again? Annoying, right? I'd imagine that's how God feels when we put our faith in him and don't trust His timing and keep asking.
    5. Give thanks and praise always and often. The result of unwavering faith is answered prayers. Praise and thank God for answering YOUR prayers and the abundant blessings He gives you without asking. Thankfully God is faithful...always! 
    6. Don't forget what God has already done. When we are in a mess or a trial, it's easy to focus on what's going on now and not remember what God has done for us all along. Draw upon the times that God answered your prayers in the past. With each account, you'll be reminded of God's faithfulness and refuel your faith for the present situation. 

    Have more questions, need me to pray for you  or share your story?
    Post a comment below or click here to send me an email. 

    Tuesday, January 3, 2012

    Sushi and Faith

    The first time I tried sushi, I did NOT like it. My friend Kim and I met for lunch and I thought why not? I had never tried it, but was curious to see what all the hype was about. Being Portuguese I'd eaten some pretty different things...tripe, octopus and pig's feet (to name a few). I figured, raw fish can't be that bad, right? Wrong! least for me. I just couldn't stomach it. I was barely able to keep it down, although I did try a couple of times.

    I kept thinking, why does everybody love this stuff? What is so great about sushi? Yuck! Maybe it's just a fad. I decided it wasn't for least for a little while. After a couple more friends described their absolutely love for this cuisine, I decided to give it another try. It went down a lot easier than the first time, but it remained a little bit of a struggle. Still, I wasn't fully convinced sushi was for and continued wondering why people were addicted to it.

    I typically wouldn't try something I didn't like for a third time, but I did...not for me, but for Kim.  She  and I were celebrating something - not really sure what given we did a lot of celebrating back then - so I took her to her favorite sushi place, Sakura Bana in Boston.  I was also very hungry because it was a late lunch. We ordered and I finally understood why so many were in love with sushi. That day I finally had the the most delicious sushi...of course the soy and wasabi helped :) I fell in love with it and have loved it ever since. I had it a few days later, the following week, the week after that and so on...I was on a roll (no pun intended). I also became more adventurous as I became more of a sushi connoisseur To this day it is one of my favorite foods!

    OK, Carla, so what does all this have to do with faith?  

    My experience with sushi was very similar to the one I had with faith. It may be the same struggle you are having right now or one you recall having earlier in your search for your purpose.
    • Faith is hard to swallow when you first try it, especially if it's not familiar to you.
      I tried having faith and it didn't go down very well at first. "Just have faith" everyone would say. Like sushi, I couldn't grasp why everyone was making such a big deal about it.
    • Give it a second chance. It took me a long while (seven years, yes seven) before I tried giving faith a try again. A lot happened in those seven years that helped me find my faith again (a story for another post), but not enough to keep me from having it shaken. I wasn't fully convinced despite the hype. I didn't seem to have the great faith others had and as a result, I wondered what was I missing. 
    • Like sushi without soy sauce and wasabi, faith without hunger and focus on God, is not palatable. The last time I found (and) kept my faith, I took the focus off of me and made the commitment to keep my faith in God. See, previously, I was not focused on God and didn't have the hunger for it. Faith is a plate served up at the right place and time and under the right circumstances.
    • The more I had it, the more I liked it. I realized, faith is like a muscle. The more I exercised it, the stronger it got. When you don't exercise it, your faith atrophies. Who can relate?

    Sushi and Faith...two things I almost gave up on, but so glad I didn't. 
    Bon appetit!

    Sunday, January 1, 2012

    Hello and Welcome!

    I am a Christian...I love Jesus and have much to share about how He is changing me to be more like Him.

    I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, and a friend. Not unlike many of you...gender aside. God has blessed me with my son, and subsequently has used him to provide me with knowledge of God, the Father. I'll be sharing lots of analogies based on this beautiful blessing God has given me and my husband.

    I am a teacher...I have been blessed with this gift in all areas of my life. You'll most certainly read more about this in future posts. But simply, professionally, I develop and manage learning experiences, personally I teach in every role I play, and spiritually as God allows.

    I am an optimist...I believe that there is a reason for everything and finding the silver lining in every situation is a choice we make.

    I am not perfect and have made mistakes.
    Being a student as well as a teacher, I distill the lesson learned in hopes of not repeating it and saving others from doing the same.

    Why a Blog?
    I have been planning on creating a blog for a very long time, and like many things in my life, I have postponed and procrastinated. So what's changed? I am tired of pressing the "pause" button on aspects of my life that God is pressing the "play" button. So I figured New Year's Day would be a great time to start. Not sure where this is going to lead me, but I know this is one of the things God has been nudging me to do for a while...a long while. I'll be sharing why I haven't in later posts that might help you take action on those nudges you have been ignoring from God.

    What's your "pause" button? Think about it...and share if you'd like below.

    Why You?
    I believe in community and teaching each other about life's lessons or developing a channel or platform to share and encourage each other to find God's customized path for us.

    Have Feedback or Suggestions?
    Want to share something with our community or suggest topics to focus on, send me an email or submit in the comments section.

    Thank you and may God continue to bless you abundantly!