Monday, January 30, 2012

Be a fountain, not a drain.

Last spring, I drove by a church sign that read, "Be a fountain, not a drain." Besides thinking it was a cool quote, and sharing it with my friends, the Fountain family (for obvious reasons), I didn't give it much thought.

However, lately it keeps randomly popping into my mind - so much so that I can't ignore it anymore and it has moved me to thinking about what it means to me and more importantly discover why it's relevant.

Psst? Is there something that keeps popping in your mind... song, a phrase, a picture, whatever? When things keep "randomly" popping into my mind (or yours), there is nothing random about it. It's God trying to tell me (you, us) something. If I (we) don't get it the first, second, tenth time...he keeps nudging. 
View from my window at my new home.

When I think about His nudge this time, I literally have to laugh out loud - I see a fountain everyday...several times in fact! The place that we moved into from RI overlooks the pool. The pool has a fountain. Do you know how many times I look out my window a day? And get this, not only do I see it, I hear it too. Now tell me God is not trying to get my attention.

Sometimes I (we) can be blind or deaf to the message God is trying to send us. 

OK, now He has my attention. Here's where it gets interesting...

So, I start with the definition and select key words.
  • Fountain - source, natural, reservoir, stream, origin
  • Drain - loss, depletion, to fatigue, become empty
It was clear that all of the words associated with "fountain" are positive, while those associated with "drain" are not - NO big revelation there for me. The revelation didn't come in the two words I focused on, but in the one word I didn't "BE".

Last year was full of transitions for my family and me - some great ones and some not-so-great. There was so much spiraling around me that I started to spiral down right along with it. It was draining on me (physically, emotionally and spiritually) and consequently draining on those around me. I chose, consciously or not, to be a drain.

It's wild to think God took me from there and plopped right smack in a place overlooking a fountain. AWESOME reminder!

BE a fountain, not a drain. 
It's a choice!

A choice to:
  • BE positive not negative
  • BE a giver not a taker
  • BE a creator not a destroyer
  • BE hopeful not hopeless
  • BE love not hate
  • BE grateful not thankless
  • BE selfless not selfish
  • BE a light not a shadow
  • BE a beginning not an ending

Fountain. Drain. Which one will you choose to be? 
"Lord, today I thank you for being the ultimate fountain. Help me to recognize when I am being a drain to myself and those around me. Unclog all the physical, emotional and spiritual drains in my life to flow like fountains. Help me to be an extension of your constant, loving stream. Today Lord, let me be a fountain, not a drain. In your precious name I pray. Amen!"


  1. I've been using this phrase all weekend and without exception, people smile with one of those 'ah ha' looks when they hear it. What a great realization, thank you!
    And I love the view out your window!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read it and being a fountain yourself! I bet you'll never look at a fountain the same way again :) Have an awesome day!

  2. I'll think of you with every fountain, as I already do xx for (even) giving us our family motto ;)
    this is an incredible blog! i'm so impressed with all that God is doing for you, through you, in you!! <><

    1. Thank you...we all have people who are fountains in or lives, but you are a fountain not just in spirit, but in name! ILYSMTMSIC - Funny how I was able to make out what that meant and reply! :)

  3. Carla, I cannot wait to share this with my family around the dinnertable tonight. It couldn't have come into my life at a better time! Love to you always, Marne

    1. Marne - So happy you can use this and that the timing is perfect. I love you too :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Im in louisville KY and right when i get out of the neighborhood were im staying there is a church and several times i read that quote and the meaning thet i gave to it was similar to the one that you gave it bit i been contantly thinkimg obout it so i searched in google and i found your thoughs amd they are beautiful :)

  6. Most people know me as the cup half full, but often but struggle with seeing their lives the same....I think you just gave me perhaps a different way to explain it...."be a fountain, not a drain" mom would love to meet you
