Friday, January 20, 2012

Running to Your Arms

Oliver, my 16-month old son, is the greatest blessing I have and have ever had in my life! He is at such a fun age. I love it when he runs into my open arms with so much joy, trust and excitement...laughing all the way! When he reaches me he hugs my neck and with his chubby little hands plays with my hair as if he's tickling me. Hard to capture the essence of this intense feeling of love and joy through mere words. But those of you who are parents know exactly what I am talking about...even if it's been a while.

Years Earlier.
My husband and I had many conversations about whether or not to have children. Ultimately, WE decided  that we were fine with it being just the two of us. Many of my friends (you know who you are) questioned the decision. They thought I'd make a great mom and didn't want me to miss out on the joys of motherhood. My argument was that I was a Mom to my niece and nephew...even had my nephew live with us for a while. Still they'd say, it's not the same as having your own child. Yeah, yeah...I'm fine.

For Christmas in 2009, we spent two weeks with Santos' family in Cape Verde (Africa). It was one of my favorite vacations of all times, mostly because I was able to meet Santos' family and see my husband in his element. It was also a high point in our marriage for many reasons. In essence, I fell deeper in love with my husband during that trip and was more convinced than ever that we had made the right decision to not have children. However, the topic of children came up several times from Santos' family, especially his mom. She told Santos that we had to have a child - not for him but for me. She felt VERY passionate about it! She even sat me down, and yup you guessed it - I still wasn't convinced.  So after two family-filled weeks, lots of food, laughter and rest, I headed home alone. Santos stayed a few weeks longer.

Shortly upon my return, I headed to New York for a team meeting. And even there, the topic of children came up, most likely because one of our team members was expecting a child. Same need to experience being a mom, etc. Nope, Santos and I are fine I kept saying.

Between the trip home and the team meeting, I was exhausted and felt like I had the flu. I made an appointment with the doctor. And when I expected to hear, yes you have H1N1, I heard "your pregnancy test came back positive." The rest, as they say, is history.

My pregnancy was amazing. I was so connected to God...I mean how else would this amazing miracle be growing inside of me. And when I finally saw Oliver, it was further confirmation that an amazing and loving God exists.

Looking back.
I have to laugh at the fact WE thought we had any control over this decision. Little did we know God had a plan, a much greater and more wonderful plan for our lives...and boy are we happy He did.

In my continuous search for God's purpose in my life, clearly being a Mom is one. What's interesting is that through this blessing, I have gained a different perspective of God, specifically God the Father. Was a change in my perspective part of His plan? ABSOLUTELY!!! How else was I going to get this insight into a parent's love without being one.

The joy, love, care, protection and discipline that I give my son is nothing compared to what God wants to provide me..and you. Yes, you are today!

He is waiting for you, His child, to run into His open arms with the same joy, trust and excitement that your child runs (or ran) into yours...laughing all the way! Nothing compares to His embrace, I can 110% assure you! Don't's a peace that surpasses logic and understanding. Run, run into His arms.

May God continue to abundantly bless you and use you to spread the love He gives to us unto others!

Lovin' my Christian music these days. I will share some of my favorites with you soon. In the meantime, click here or the play button below to watch "Forever Reign" by Hillsong United, a song that so beautifully captures the heart of this message.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for your love and positive encouragement! <><

  2. Please say a pray for my mom she's really sick right now & in a lot of pain. Don't want to post on facebook but I figured this would be the spot to do so!

    1. Of course I will. I will join YOU and stand united in prayer for healing and freedom from pain.

  3. Nothing in life teaches us more about our Father's love for us as having children, with all the joys and sorrow that we may experience. Love your blog!

  4. Love it Car. Mullins

    1. Thank you all for your love and positive encouragement! Keeps me going!

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